Lupine Class & Canyons Class Parent Teacher Conference
Wednesday, October 28 2020
Next week we have the opportunity to connect individually via zoom for conferences. Contrary to previous years, children are welcome and invited to these zoom calls. This unusual learning environment makes it such that allowing the students an opportunity to participate in this conversation is appropriate.
1. I would like to hear from the children: What is going well for them? AND What are they finding challenging right now?
2. I would like to hear from parents: What questions do you have?
We will have 15 minutes per conference. Join via the zoom link below, you will be admitted to the waiting room and as soon as I am available you will be let into the meeting room. I will work diligently to stay on schedule to respect everyone's time.
Meeting ID: 938 5739 7630
Passcode: Pp4MUD
Contact the event organizers: Chamorro