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Laurel & Redwood Parent Night

Tuesday, March 02 2021

Tuesday, March 2, from 7:00 - 7:30 pm, Ms. Rachel is hosting a virtual parent night where we will learn "5 Tips for Online Learning" from Sarah Windes, a student support specialist at our school. The information learned during this parent night will help your child stay happy and healthy through the second half of the school year online! We hope every parent can make it! You can receive a volunteer hour for joining us, too!

Here is the Zoom link to join our virtual parent night: https://zoom.us/j/9910787321?pwd=QW5hajVoSzcwa2ppYVJiOHpJUDhiUT09. (Meeting ID: 991 078 7321 & Passcode: cw0ANi)

7:00am - 7:30pm
Virtual Parent Night

Contact the event organizers: Sartawi (PC)