4th Friday Enrichment Activities for Distance Learning Students
Friday, May 28 2021
Beginning January 11 all distance learning students will be enrolled in 5 days of online instruction.
Students have the option to participate in a variety of offerings each week. Students must sign up BY 3PM ON THURSDAY and the spaces for some classes will be limited. Students are not required to attend any of the classes every week, but may attend on the weeks that work for their family’s schedule.
Distance learning students participating in in-person offerings on Fridays will still be expected to complete the work assigned for Friday by their online teacher. Friday activities do not replace, but rather supplement, Friday school work / expectations.
Students will meet in the atrium before and after each class activity.
NOTE: The Library will be open each week on the day of the activities, from 9:30am to 11:30am, for students to stop in to check in/out books. Students should expect to be in the library for up to 20 minutes, but not longer. If students are only coming into the school to visit the library, then parents should stay in the parking lot to wait for them.
Offerings will include:
Contact the event organizers: Games / Keenan