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Polaris Class "Show Our School Some Love"

Wednesday, February 16 2022

The Family Council is asking us to "Show Our School Some Love" this February to celebrate Valentine's Day, and I thought of no better way than to put the Polaris families to work doing some things for Ms. M in the classroom after hours. Let's show her some love for putting so much love into teaching our kids!

She would love help with some spring cleaning in the classroom -- windows, walls, dusting, floors, etc. She would also appreciate some help getting the paint cart in order -- cleaning out old paint jars, organizing the jars by color, etc. It would also be wonderful to get the games on the game cart organized and catalogued (which games are missing pieces, etc.).

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Cleaning & Organizing the Polaris Classroom

Contact the event organizers: Sartawi (PC)