Meadow Class Auction Baskets
Wednesday, March 30 2022
We have two baskets with the themes "Let Nature Be Your Teacher" (a basket full of items for nature school and places to hold it). and "From Farm to Table" (a basket of homemade food/homegrown items and textiles to highlight 3rd grade topics this year.
Chelsea Stevens (Cole's mom) has volunteered to gather the items, so please DROP THEM OFF TO HER. Her phone number is 801-419-6801
NOTE: the basket that has homemade goods we will need to collect the fresh items (bread, eggs, veggies, butters etc) the DAY OF THE AUCTION We will put in some placeholders for these items for the online auction that starts earlier.
You can sign up for an item, or if it's easier for you, you can Venmo me @monsonwave (please DON'T put its for a good or service so no fees are taken out) I can purchase items that are left over with this money.
Thanks so much for being willing to help support our class basket! email or text me with questions 801-809-2099
Contact the event organizers: Monson