Sequoia Class Basket ~ Spring Showcase and Benefit
Thursday, March 31 2022
Sequoia Class Basket Theme: "Outdoor Adventures"
There are three ways to donate:
1) Cash! Venmo @hlhuntsman (Be sure to add “class basket” to details).
2) Specific Item on the LIST BELOW or from our AMAZON WISH LIST:
3) Come up with something creative to add your own flair to our basket.
All donations must be accompanied by a DONATION FORM (attached below or pick up at the school or kinder-house)!! Please print, fill out and send along with your donation. If ordering from Amazon, please complete form and email or give to Heidi or Audra. You may know a local vendor who would be willing to donate an item or gift card. Please fill out a donation form for them as well.
If you have questions or need to arrange pick-up or delivery of an item, please text/call Audra Valdez 801-520-1736 prior to 3/28.
We will get all collected items to the school before the deadline. Thank you for your contribution!!
~Heidi & Audra
3/28 All donations due to Heidi & Audra (any assistance for pickup/delivery arranged)
3/31 "Basket" + forms will be delivered to the school/kinderhouse
4/23 Spring Showcase & Benefit [online auction bidding will start on an earlier date-watch your email for details]
Contact the event organizers: Wasatch Volunteer