Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

*Polaris Class* Spring Showcase & Benefit Basket

Wednesday, March 30 2022

Dinner Delivered! Please sign up to cook and deliver a homemade dinner, including a main course, side and dessert, to the winning bidder at the auction. For example, I have already signed up in Track It Forward, which means that my family is committing to providing one evening's meal for the winning bidder's family -- including delivery to their home. I need all meal sign ups to be in Track It Forward no later than March 30. When you click the orange 'sign up' button in Track It Forward, please be sure to include the name of your main course, side and dessert in the 'message to organizer' window that will pop up just before clicking on the final, orange 'sign up' button to seal the deal. After I see your sign up come through, I will get in touch with you specifically for a few more details. Thank you!

One Homemade Dinner & Delivery to the Winning Bidder
Please include a main course, side and dessert in the 'message to organizer' field.

Contact the event organizers: Sartawi (PC)