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Willow and Aspen Class Spiral Walk

Thursday, December 22 2022

Hi Parents. This year, both 3rd grade classes will be joining together to walk the Winter Spiral on Thursday, Dec 22nd at 6:30 PM. To make this happen, we need help supplying warm cider, cups, and individually packaged popcorn for the kids to enjoy afterwards.

In regards to the cider, we've found that it works best to have it brought in one of those thermal beverage dispensers or served out of an instapot with a ladle. And for popcorn, standard, lightly salted, is preferred. You can plan to drop the items off on a table near the spiral and then we will enjoy the snacks after the gathering has wrapped up.

Please snag some slots below.

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Hot Cider (15 servings)
4 / 5
Disposable Hot Cups (qty. 35)
2 / 2
Individually wrapped salted popcorn (qty. 15)
5 / 5

Contact the event organizers: Whitaker/Vanleeuwen (PC)