ASPEN- Friday Faculty Lunch - FT Staff + Hearths
Friday, January 27 2023
Thank you for supporting our wonderful WCS staff in a very meaningful way: donating food to their Friday Faculty Lunch. Your generosity allows our teachers and staff to share a meal together before they tackle their weekly planning meetings.
The hearth staff will be cooking rice and beans for the main course.
Families are asked to provide store-bought or homemade supplemental dishes.
Please be mindful that a number of the staff follow vegan diets. There are also staff with food allergies to peanuts and tree nuts.
Please drop off Hearth donations at the beginning of the week (long winter break & we don't want perishables to go unused). The Faculty Lunch donations must arrive on THURSDAY January 26th, delivered to Kassie in the front office.
Any perishable foods can/will be stored in a school refrigerator.
Also, for those who can give their time, please volunteer to assist Kassie with the meal set up or clean up.
New this year we will also be filling the hearths with snack items for the following week. If possible please donate to the luncheon and the hearth (both included in this signup).
Thank you for supporting our teachers and hearths!
Contact the event organizers: Wasatch Volunteer