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*2nd Grade* Year-End Celebration (Clover, Fern & Yarrow Classes)

Friday, May 31 2024

Hello 2nd Grade Families!

Please join the Clover, Fern, and Yarrow classes for a year-end celebration with all of the 2nd grade families at Knudsen Park (6293 Holladay Blvd E) in Holladay on Friday, May 31, starting at 12:30 pm (or as soon as you can be there after school).

Please sign up to bring something to share, being sure to include a note with the name of the dish you plan to bring. No nuts, please! Thank you!

Please plan on picnic-in-the-park style seating in the event that the pavillion is unavailable, so bring chairs or a large blanket for your family to sit on, if you wish.

Please also RSVP via email to your class parent coordinator(s), so we can try to get an attendance estimate to ensure there is enough food and drinks for everyone.

Thank you all for your amazing support! Let's party!

Fruit, Pasta, Veggie, Etc.
4 / 10
Veggie Tray
3 / 10
Cheese & Cracker Tray
5 / 10
9 / 10
7 / 10
4 / 8
Cans, Pouches, Boxes, Etc.
7 / 10
Main Dish
Sandwiches, Finger Food, Etc.
3 / 15
4 / 4
Disposable Plates
5 / 6
Disposable Forks
4 / 6

Contact the event organizers: Sartawi (PC), Thongsa/Kulhanek (PC)