2024/25 PC Faculty Lunch and Hearth sign ups
Dear PCs - please sign up for a week that your class will sponsor faculty lunch and hearth.
All staff template
FT staff template
Hearth and Faculty Lunch
Faculty Lunch
Our staff work very hard each week often including long hours after school is over lesson planning and prepping the classrooms for our kids. On Friday they have meetings after school for several hours.
As a tradition, we ask each class to pick a slot to help feed our teachers. This year you can select either (1) all staff meal + hearth or (2) FT only staff meal + hearth.
You can choose any type of theme you would like to help engage your class for these meals. Your class is 100% responsible for the lunch set up, cooking food, providing dinnerware (plates, napkins, silverware) and clean up plus the hearth for the following week.
Some staff members have dietary needs so keep that in mind when planning your meal. Plan on 10-15 Gluten Free, 10-15 Vegan. I find it helpful if food to labeled for staff to know what is safe for them to eat.
Reminder all food at the school needs to be peanut free.
We have a TIF template to give you some ideas on how to structure your lunch and also the items needed for the hearth.
It is the responsibility of each class to sign up for a slot, create your TIF sign up, gather donations from your families, set up and clean up the lunch meal.
Friday lunch: Set up is at 11:45am, clean up will be at 1:30pm - games class might be inside on some days in the gym so if that happens they will return to their classroom at 12:00pm so please set up in the atrium then help move to the gym once the class leaves.
Food is to be brought Friday morning or at least by set up at 11:45. Please bring your hearth donations at the same time and take them to the 2nd/3rd hearth fridge.
Our school has four hearths
Lotus/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th/6th, 7th/8th
The Hearth is a quiet place outside each group of classrooms for students to take a break if needed, grab a snack or get some additional support.
As families we have enjoyed the opportunity to help nourish our kids in this community area. The hearth keepers ask for:
3 (Costco bags) String cheese
10 dozen eggs
6 bags apples
3 bags cuties
3 bags carrots
6 cucumbers
camomile tea
peppermint tea
ginger tea
coffee for the faculty lounge and hearths
Contact the event organizers: Wasatch Volunteer