Native Health Open House 2023
Saturday, October 14 2023
Our friends at Native Health have invited us to promote KRDP to the Native American community at their annual open house. The event will take place at their headquarters on Central Ave and Indian School Rd in midtown Phoenix (about 3 or so miles north of the station).
***Please note that there will be an annular eclipse, when the moon partially blocks the sun, on Oct. 14 from about 8am until 11am local time which will be 80% visible from Phoenix. More info:
We need at least 6 volunteers to help out at this event (two sets of 3 for shifts totaling 3 hours). Shift A from 9:30am to 12:30pm and Shift B from 12:30pm to Close.
During the Native Health event you will share information about KRDP, encourage guests to listen to us both on 90.7 FM and online, spotlight the Native American focused and hosted programming we air, financially support the station, and invite them to attend our Oct. 28 event "Carnival of Hip Hop".
Contact the event organizers: