Level 1 Training Class (Day 3)
Saturday, April 27 2024
This is the third and final part of KRDP's Level 1 programmer training class. Attendees will gain a basic understanding of the history of U.S. radio with an emphasis on community radio; learn what the FCC is and how it regulates broadcast media in the U.S.; what the DMCA is and how it regulates streaming media and its relationship to copyrighted materials; gain an introduction to our studio set-up; and learn how to record basic audio content with production of a pre-recorded legal ID as a culminating project.
*Class registration is limited to members of the Desert Soul Creative Studios community media center. Only three registrants per class session allowed. If you are not a member of the DSCS community media center, you are welcome to become a member (membership dues are $240 annually or $20 per month). Pay for DSCS Membership Here: https://desertsoulmedia.org/dscs/
If you have any questions please contact Calvin Worthen - calvin@listen2krdp.com.
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