Saturday Meal
Saturday, February 08 2025
To sign up for a shift click "SIGN UP" and then "REGISTER" to create a Track-It-Forward account, if you don't already have one.
Forgot your password? Reset it using this link:
Street parking is FREE on Saturdays. Find us through the red door on Hope Street, in the basement of All Souls Church (399 Main Street).
Volunteers are invited to take home a delicious meal after their shift! Everything is gluten-free and we always have a vegan option.
If you have other questions, email us at or text 413-422-0020
6:30am - 8:30am
Kitchen Support
You must be able to work quickly, lift heavy stuff, and have a deep understanding of kitchen protocols, timelines, commercial kitchen equipment.
8:30am - 10:30am
Meal Prep
We make the salad, soup, and finish up desserts during this shift. Want to stay to help serve the meal? Sign up for the "Meal Packing" shift too!
9:30am - 10:30am
A critical job! Get those dishes washed and keep the Chefs happy!
10:00am - 11:30am
Outdoor Set Up
Help set up tables and tents! Must be able to lift and schlep heavy things!
10:30am - 12:00pm
A critical job! Get those dishes washed and keep the Chefs happy!
Food Donation Pick-up
Donated food is picked up at Green Fields Market at 144 Main Street Greenfield. Detailed instructions will be emailed to volunteer.
11:00am - 2:00pm
Indoor Food Service
Experience the fast-paced food packing line! We pack 500 meals in 45 minutes... rapid fire! Then we clean it all up.
Meal packing usually starts at 11:45, but we need your helps scooping soup and packing desserts starting at 11am!
11:30am - 1:30pm
Delivery Packing
Help pack the delivery orders inside the Café.
11:30am - 2:00pm
Everybody's Community Store
Assist with distributing items from our Everybody's Community Store! The Store is open on Hope Street from 12pm to 1:30pm. Take off on your shift with a group huddle at 11:40a under the tent!
Curbside Order Packing
Help pack meals into bags, and hand them out. Assist with taking orders if needed. Greet the guests, and help everyone feel welcome.
Before the meals start, help finalize the decorations and signage. We want the space to be beautiful and welcoming every week!
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Delivery Coordination
Call the delivery drivers and help bring their bags to their car.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Dishwashing & Kitchen Clean Up
The most important job of the day! Join our awesome cleaning crew and help wash dishes and scrub down the kitchen from top to bottom. NOTE: we have a post-meal debrief at 2pm. You are welcome to join for 30 min if you'd like!
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Sweep & Wash Tables
Help Steve the Hippie clean/sanitize tables and sweep up, etc.
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer Coordinator
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Telephone #
Mailing Address:
Please list an emergency contact name, telephone, and email *
What is your Birthday Month?
Which volunteer tasks are you interested in? *
How often would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities? *
How often do you volunteer at the Café?
I have read Stone Soup Cafe’s Volunteer Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to understand and adhere to its contents. I have read, understand, and agree to follow the Stone Soup Cafe Community Guidelines. *
Do you agree to these Community Guidelines? *
Liability Waiver *
Please let us know if you DO NOT want your image shared on social media.
How did you hear about Stone Soup Café? *
What made you interested in volunteering? *
Do you have any skills that might be helpful to Stone Soup?
Do you need any accommodations to make your volunteer experience more comfortable?
Message to Organizer