"Our Project 2025": Envisioning the World We Want
Saturday, January 18 2025
"Our Project 2025": Envisioning the World We Want"
A tabling event to share who we are and our mission with the broader community, alongside 24 other social groups, speakers, and musicians who all share the same vision for a better year!
Saturday, January 18, 2025
12:45 pm - 2:30 pm Second Congregational Church
16 Court Square, Greenfield ( Across the street from the Common)
Event sponsored by FCCPR, Traprock Center for Peace and Justice, Western MA, Code Pink, Amherst Young Feminist Party, and others
(FCCPR - Franklin County Continuing the Progressive Revolution)
12:45pm - 2:30pm
Join in sharing who we are and our mission with 25 other social groups for a better year. Tabling materials will be provided.
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer Coordinator
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Telephone #
Mailing Address:
Please list an emergency contact name, telephone, and email *
What is your Birthday Month?
Which volunteer tasks are you interested in? *
How often would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities? *
How often do you volunteer at the Café?
I have read Stone Soup Cafe’s Volunteer Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to understand and adhere to its contents. I have read, understand, and agree to follow the Stone Soup Cafe Community Guidelines. *
Do you agree to these Community Guidelines? *
Liability Waiver *
Please let us know if you DO NOT want your image shared on social media.
How did you hear about Stone Soup Café? *
What made you interested in volunteering? *
Do you have any skills that might be helpful to Stone Soup?
Do you need any accommodations to make your volunteer experience more comfortable?
Message to Organizer