Saturday Meal Prep & Service
Saturday, March 19 2022
Come on down to Stone Soup Café to cook and serve meals with the crew!
Find us at 399 Main Street in Greenfield, in the basement of All Souls Church, enter at the red door on Hope Street.
(Street parking is FREE on Saturdays.)
To sign up for a shift, please click "SIGN UP" and then REGISTER for a Track-It-Forward account! (If you already have an account, log in!)
Forgot your password? Reset it using this link:
** If you want to eat with us... RESERVE A MEAL here!! >>
Other questions? Email us at
8:30am - 11:30am
Meal Prep / Cooking
We make the salad, soup, and finish up desserts during this shift. Want to stay to help serve the meal? Sign up for the "Meal Packing" shift too!
- Daniel Yalowitz
- Dianne Peloquin
- Francoise Bennett
- George Esworthy
- Jamie Jonassen
- Tarakayn Shultz
- ryan cadrette
10:00am - 12:00pm
Get those dishes washed and keep the Chef happy!
- Ed Kressy
11:00am - 1:45pm
Outdoor Set-Up
Help set-up for outdoor service. Put up tents, tables, heaters, signs, etc
- Casey Kin
- Josh Ruder
- Louisa Calame
- Mark Majeski
- Whitney Robbins
11:30am - 1:30pm
Free Store
Take orders and run tickets
- Sarah Hillier
- Sarah Olari
- Timothy Ranney-Blake
People Medicine Project - Tabling
- Stacey Shapiro
11:30am - 1:45pm
Indoor Food Service
Experience the fast-paced food packing line! We pack up 400 meals in 45 minutes... rapid fire! Then we clean it all up. **Want to take home a meal for yourself? RSVP at**
- Dianne Peloquin
- Lewis Gordon
- Matt Goulet
- Michael Nord
- Reenie
- Taan Herberger-Brown
- erik rudder
11:45am - 1:15pm
Delivery Driver Coordination
Pack or coordinate the meal deliveries and call delivery drivers.
- Reenie
- Sarah Vular
11:45am - 1:30pm
Curbside Order Packing
Take curbside tickets and pack meal boxes into bags
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Dishwashing & Clean Up
The most important job of the day! Help put food away, wash the dishes, and scrub down the kitchen from top to bottom.
Contact the event organizers: Jansyn Thaw
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Telephone #
Mailing Address:
Please list an emergency contact name, telephone, and email *
What is your Birthday Month?
Which volunteer tasks are you interested in? *
How often would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities? *
How often do you volunteer at the Café?
I have read Stone Soup Cafe’s Volunteer Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to understand and adhere to its contents. I have read, understand, and agree to follow the Stone Soup Cafe Community Guidelines. *
Do you agree to these Community Guidelines? *
Liability Waiver *
Please let us know if you DO NOT want your image shared on social media.
How did you hear about Stone Soup Café? *
What made you interested in volunteering? *
Do you have any skills that might be helpful to Stone Soup?
Do you need any accommodations to make your volunteer experience more comfortable?
Message to Organizer