Tree Decorating - Festival of the Trees
Saturday, November 19 2022
Chef Kirsten needs some "elves" to help her decorate the Stone Soup Café Kitchie Koo Christmas Tree for the Rotary Club's Annual Festival of Trees event!
The tree decorating will take place at Aromatic Fillers at 253 Greenfield Road in South Deerfield, MA.
As many as 100 decorated trees sponsored by local businesses, families or individuals, will be raffled off at the end of a three-weekend event.
Contact the event organizers: Jansyn Thaw
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Telephone #
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Please list an emergency contact name, telephone, and email *
What is your Birthday Month?
Which volunteer tasks are you interested in? *
How often would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities? *
How often do you volunteer at the Café?
I have read Stone Soup Cafe’s Volunteer Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to understand and adhere to its contents. I have read, understand, and agree to follow the Stone Soup Cafe Community Guidelines. *
Do you agree to these Community Guidelines? *
Liability Waiver *
Please let us know if you DO NOT want your image shared on social media.
How did you hear about Stone Soup Café? *
What made you interested in volunteering? *
Do you have any skills that might be helpful to Stone Soup?
Do you need any accommodations to make your volunteer experience more comfortable?
Message to Organizer