Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Good Foods Co-Op To Nathaniel Mission

Tuesday, March 30 2021

Pick Up
Where: Good Foods (455 Southland Drive)
When: 2pm
Contact: (859) 278-1813 ask for produce dept.

- Before you arrive, please call and speak to someone in the produce dept. to ensure that there is a donation to pick up.
- If there is no donation, please call Nathaniel Mission at 859-230-4898 and let them know.
- The receiving door is located at the rear of the building and is labeled ā€œ455Dā€

Drop Off
Where: Nathaniel Mission (1109 Versailles Rd, Suite 400)
When: Immediately after gleaning Good Foods
Contact: Staff at Nathaniel Mission 859-255-0062

- Please call Nathaniel Mission and let them know that you are on your way.
- The entrance to the pantry is on the left hand side of the building, back toward the dumpsters.

After Gleaning: Please remember to record information about this gleaning at https://gleanky.org/record-a-gleaning

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Glean Good Foods Co-Op
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Contact the event organizers: James Earley