Lexington Farmers' Market - Southland
Sunday, November 03 2024
Glean the Sunday Southland LFM with our volunteer leader, Will. Please plan to show up between 1:35-1:45 PM, as it is early in the season and vendors tend to start packing up before the 2 PM close time. Please meet Will by his red truck/trailer, usually parked at the end of the market closest to Subway.
If you have trouble finding Will, head to the Lexington Farmers Market booth-- the folks there can point you in the right direction!
Volunteers will not need to deliver produce for this glean or record weights.
Contact the event organizers: Madison McRill
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Phone Number *
Are you part of a group (church, community, other) that we can talk to about gleaning?
Which Region Would You Like To Volunteer In?
Date Of Birth
Volunteer Interests
Are you available between 9am and 5pm?
What type of vehicle will you use to transport food?
Preferred T-Shirt Size
Will you be bringing children along with you while gleaning? If yes, please list their names and ages
What brought you to Glean Kentucky?
Please type your name:
Message to Organizer