Freshman Summit Volunteer Leaders
Tuesday, July 27 2021
Every year, Edgerton High School hosts a service event at Silverwood Park where members of the freshman class come, and work on various projects around the park. We are looking for several experienced volunteers to help lead groups of 8-15 students and their mentors on these work projects. We would like 1-2 volunteer leads for each project. The workday starts at 8:30. You will be fed lunch afterwards.
We will be complying with Covid Dane County and park regulations.
Here is a more details schedule for the day:
~Arrive July 27 7:45/8:00am.
~Collect tools for project and set aside.
~Assign crews
~Head to worksite
~Explain and demonstrate project
~Work with teacher to help students stay focused
~11:15 AM collect tools, clean tools, return tools
~11:30 ish Lunch
~12:00 Thank you for your help your done
Contact the event organizers: Katie Whitten