Oak Savanna Restoration
Friday, August 13 2021
Help us restore rare, native oak savanna habitat on the western portion of woods that lines Sweet and Rice Lake, as well as keep invasive species, such as garlic mustard, in check in the remaining woods.
Tasks will vary depending on time of year. Winter: Using a chainsaw to cut small trees, and invasive species. Cutting brush with loppers, haul to create burn piles. Leaf blowing or raking to prepare for burns. Hauling wood out with a trailer or truck bed. Spring: following the prescribed burn for the county, spraying first year garlic mustard with backpack sprayer. Pulling second year garlic mustard.
Requirements: For those operating chainsaws, you must have Chainsaw Safety Certification through FISTA (Forest Industry Safety Training Alliance). You must have Land Steward Certification from Dane County for mixing chemicals for spraying. For all other tasks, you will be trained on the job.
Meet promptly at 9:00am at the South Shed.
Bring with you: Work gloves, loppers. Dress for weather, bring a water bottle or snacks for your comfort.
Contact the event organizers: Rita Fox