Brentwood Drive
Friday, May 19 2023
This item drive is for the adolescent and tween unit at Brentwood Hospital. In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, ACONP hopes to collect donation materials from May 1st - May 19th and then deliver the donations to Brentwood on May 20th.
Accepted clothing and self-care donations for adolescent boys and girls:
Hairbrushes, hair combs, alcohol-free hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash (all alcohol-free), deodorant, sweatpants, sweatshirts/ long sleeve shirts, socks, sports bras, hair-ties (without metal), and underwear (all kinds for boys & girls).
Assortment of games for adolescents:
Board games, Deck of cards, Uno, Connect 4, Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, Crayons, age-appropriate fiction & nonfiction books, coloring books.
Contact the event organizers: lucy lemanowicz VCOM-Louisiana