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St. Francis Golf Tournament

Friday, May 12 2023

Join the VCOM-Louisiana Volunteer Committee in helping the St. Francis Medical Center Foundation during their 11th Annual St. Francis Foundation Golf Classic. This annual event raises funds to help serve the thousands of women, children, and critically ill patients who choose to receive their care at St. Francis Medical Center within the Women’s, Children’s and Critical Care Services. Through this event, St. Francis can continue working towards providing the highest level of care through enhanced clinical excellence, advanced technology, and increased access to care and support to the more than 500,000 people in 17 Louisiana parishes and 3 Arkansas counties. Participation in this event as a volunteer helps to fulfill the VCOM mission, where we desire to “meet the needs of rural and medically underserved populations and promote research to improve human health.” In continuing our partnership with St. Francis, we can serve as an advocate of osteopathic medicine, while working to address health care disparities including those related to rural locations, minority populations, poverty status, and primary care.

We ask that volunteers assist event-goers and community members in promoting overall health and wellness through exercise, being outdoors, proper use of sunscreen, and proper rehydration efforts, while educating the community about VCOM and the osteopathic mission.

We also ask that volunteers wear a VCOM polo, clubhouse-appropriate attire, and tennis shoes. Please wear sunscreen and bring water (although the clubhouse will have water and food too!). The event will take place at the Bayou Desiard Country Club (3501 Forsythe Ave, Monroe, LA 71201). The event grounds are quite large, and I may be unable to attend the event in its entirety, but have communicated with the event coordinator, Laura Maddox, where volunteers should meet. For the Golf Tournament, volunteers are to meet at the back of the country club (walk through country club, go straight to the back to the golf course). If needed, Laura’s cell is: 2698-(318) 547. Just text or call her if you get lost! If you have any questions, please contact Erika Lytle at elytle@ulm.vcom.edu or 727-512-2021.

8:00am - 10:30am
Golf Volunteer, Morning Flight/Shift 1 (2.5hr)
0 / 5
10:30am - 1:00pm
Golf Volunteer, Morning Flight/Shift 2 (2.5hr)
5 / 5
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Golf Volunteer, Afternoon Flight/Shift 1 (2.0hr)
5 / 5
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Golf Volunteer, Afternoon Flight/Shift 2 (2.5hr)
3 / 5

Contact the event organizers: lucy lemanowicz VCOM-Louisiana