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Dixie Diehards Game

Friday, April 19 2024

The Dixie Diehards are an organization that allows special needs children and young adults the chance to play baseball in a safe and supportive environment. VCOM students will be “buddies” with the players and helping them hit the ball, run the bases, catch the ball, and ensuring they do not get injured. Supporting and encouraging these individuals along with their family members carries out the VCOM mission statement of serving the underserved. While volunteering, please refrain from being on your phone and dedicate full attention to supporting the players and interacting with the community.

Attire: VCOM t-shirt with appropriate bottoms
Address: 228 Biedenharn Dr, West Monroe, LA, United States, Louisiana

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kajal Patel at 251-504-1164.

6:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Contact the event organizers: Kajal Patel VCOM-Louisiana