Roe City Rollers Bout Stations
Saturday, May 04 2024
Volunteers are needed to help with run the Roe City Rollers Derby Bout on May 4th, 2024,
from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Monroe Civic Center located at 401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expy,
Monroe, LA, 7120. Roe City Rollers is the local non-profit derby team local here in Monroe,
Louisiana. They participate in several community events throughout the year and area
LGBTQIA+ inclusive organization. Volunteers will help with anything from scoring, timing, and
clean-up. All black attire is requested. The VCOM logo is fine but please refrain from having any
other images/lettering on the shirt
Contact the event organizers: Douglas Le VCOM-Louisiana
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Graduation Year *
College *
Message to Organizer