Saturday, April 20 2024
OPSC will be volunteering with the Poverello House on April 20th, 2024. We will be serving food and providing a restaurant style experience at Papa Mike's Café for the unhoused members of our community.
Team members will enter at the G St gate and security will direct them to parking. New volunteers will check in and be given a brief orientation where we will discuss regulation and volunteer opportunities.
Please ensure that all volunteers are properly dressed in long jeans (no shorts, leggings, joggers, sweats) and closed-toed tennis shoes or non-slips (no sandals or Crocs please).
All volunteers will need to make a volunteer account. Follow the link below to make a volunteer account (they will not have to schedule for orientation, they only need to be prompted to make a volunteer account)
Contact the event organizers: Ariana Kaxon-Rupp CHSUCOM