Grocery Transportation Opportunity
Monday, May 08 2023
Client Name(s): Sofia Walizada, Farhat Walizada, Malahat Walizada
Number of individuals to transport: 3
Language: Dari
Client Phone Number: n/a
Appointment Date: 5.8.23
Pick-up time: 10 or 11am
Pick-up location: 104 Wildbriar Road, Rochester, NY 14623
Appointment location: please take the family members to the closest grocery store to them. Show them around the store and how to pay at the register. If possible, point out the closest bus stop to their house/the grocery store!
Estimated time volunteering: 2 hours
Client should bring: money to purchase food (the Case Manager has given them the money, but please remind them to bring.
Important Information:
- Please wear your volunteer lanyard
- Request a phone interpreter if necessary. Don’t hesitate to use the Google Translate App or Tarjimly App.
- Call or text Elisabeth if you have any questions about the location of the appointment or the appointment itself: 585.622.4336
- Please track your hours on Track it Forward and list the name of the client you assisted in the Comments/Notes section
Contact the event organizers: Elisabeth Stojkovic