AVLF: Housing Training
Training Description:
The Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation (AVLF) hosts monthly trainings on housing law, specifically Eviction Defense and Tenants’ Rights. Everyone is welcome to sign up and attend, and training qualifies as pro bono hours. You can see the full list of trainings on AVLF’s events page: https://avlf.org/events.
How to Sign Up:
1. Sign up for a training by clicking on the event post here: https://avlf.org/events.
Contact Susan Leonard at sleonard@avlf.org for further information, details, or questions about this project.
After the Training:
Be sure to track your hours here on Track It Forward (click on Log Hours tab at the top of the page) AND track your hours on Inside Law for credit towards your graduation distinction. You can track your hours on Inside Law here: https://law.gsu.edu/student-experience/pro-bono-service-in-the-community/. Click on the blue "Log Pro Bono Hours" button. If you have any questions about logging your hours, please email probono@gsu.edu.
Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program