Gwinnett Legal Aid: Probate Clinic
Thursday, October 20 2022
Students will set up, check in registrants and retiree forms for the volunteer attorneys. They will also have the opportunity to sit and listen to experienced attorneys and retired judges give legal advice about Probate matters.
Students should expect to work about 4 hours each clinic. Clinics will be held at 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Training will be given before the clinic begins.
For questions or additional information, please contact Allison Parham at
Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Year *
Expected Graduation *
Volunteer Interests
If Other, Please Describe:
Are you seeking a PILP Certificate? *
Message to Organizer