Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

GAIN: Pro Se Temporary Protected Status Clinic

Saturday, September 30 2023

Project Description:
The Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network (GAIN) is seeking volunteers to assist asylum seekers with their applications for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). TPS is a benefit that provides protection against deportation and work authorization. Student volunteers will help clients properly fill out paperwork and forms to complete the TPS applications. All materials will be reviewed by an attorney. This project is in person in Norcross. You will receive an email from GAIN with the exact location and further project details the week of your project.

*** All volunteers need to sign up by Monday, September 25!

How to Sign Up:
1. BY SEPTEMBER 25, sign up for the GAIN Pro Se TPS Clinic here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWTkvFfgB_mQ2rmWL_qWdEdsuqmDwf....

2. GAIN will send an email a few days prior to the clinic to confirm your attendance and provide an orientation video and clinic materials.

Contact Adriana Heffley at aheffley@georgiaasylum.org or Melinda Ellington at mellington@georgiaasylum.org for further information, details, or questions about this project.

After the Project:
Be sure to track your hours here on Track It Forward (click on Log Hours tab at the top of the page) AND track your hours on Inside Law for credit towards your graduation distinction. You can track your hours on Inside Law here: https://law.gsu.edu/student-experience/pro-bono-service-in-the-community/. Click on the blue "Log Pro Bono Hours" button. If you have any questions about logging your hours, please email probono@gsu.edu.

9:00am - 12:00pm
Please fill out the linked form above to sign up rather than signing up here!
Please fill out the linked form above to sign up rather than signing up here!
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Please fill out the linked form above to sign up rather than signing up here!
Please fill out the linked form above to sign up rather than signing up here!

Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program