Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

SFX Golf Tournament

Friday, April 29 2022

12th Annual SFX Golf Tournament @ DeBell Golf Club

6:30am - 7:30am
Hole Set-Up
Drive golf cart to set up sponsor signs, special holes and margarita supplies
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6:30am - 8:30am
Breakfast Coordinator
Pick up Breakfast Burritos and Coffee and set up at golf course to be handed out around registration time
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7:00am - 9:00am
Check in golfers at Registration Desk
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8:30am - 10:00am
Putting Contest
Putting Contest Volunteer
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9:30am - 3:00pm
Margarita Hole
Margarita Hole volunteer
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Hole in One Hole
Hole in One Volunteer
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Hole Beverages
Set-up buckets of ice with water/soft drinks at designated holes and replenish throughout the day
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10:00am - 12:00pm
Raffle Baskets
Set-up Raffle/Raffle Baskets inside Cafe
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3:00pm - 4:30pm
Raffle Ticket Sales @ Event
Sell tickets during cocktail/lunch
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4:30pm - 5:30pm
Pull Raffle Tickets and bring baskets to winners
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Lancer Communications
Responsible for coordinating announcements/ reminders/sponsorship opportunities for the Lancer
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Goodie Bag Coodinator
Responsible for assembling goodie bags for golfers (supplies will be provided); OK to bring in others to assist to earn PSA Hours
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Sponsorship Fulfillment Coordinator
Responsible for making sure all sponsors receive signage on banners, at holes and any additional promo/perk item for their sponsorship package; OK to bring in others to assist for PSA hours
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Silent Auction Coordinator
Responsible for obtaining auction items, setting up auction item at event, running the auction, confirming payment and delivering items to winners; OK to bring in others to assist for PSA Hours
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Donation: Raffle Prize
Gift Cards, Liquor, Cigars, and other Raffle Prizes - 1 PSA hour for every $25 value
Ball Drop Sales After School
Set up at school at 2:45, sell Ball Drops after school until 3:30
Ball Drop Sales After Mass
Sell Ball Drops after Masses on Sat and Sunday (you can designate which mass/es)
Donation: Case of Water (24 count)
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Donation: 150 individual /single serve bag of chipsips (20 count each)
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Donation: 150 individual/single serve bags of nuts
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Donation: 150 Granola Bars
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Donation: 150 individual/single serve cookie package
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Donation: 150 individual/single serve snack item of choice (non-perishable)
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Contact the event organizers: Michelle Funaro