4 PM Sea Turtles - N.E.S.T. Orientation & Natural History (ONLINE)
Saturday, March 25 2023
1.25 hours
This class will go over the how to get involved in NC sea turtle monitoring activities from the VA/NC line south to Nags Head. We will then discuss some general biology and life history of sea turtles in NC. This class is intended for new volunteers though all are welcome.
LOCATION: Online via Zoom (register to receive link)
Note: This class is intended for members of the Network for Endangered Sea Turtles. You must complete an volunteer application with N.E.S.T. and complete their trainings to participate in their monitoring activities. To complete an application go to https://www.nestonline.org/become-a-volunteer/
Contact the event organizers: WRC Citizen Science
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Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number *
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(Sea Turtle Volunteers Only) Beach Affiliation
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