Seedling Flat Pick-up - New Paltz NY
Sunday, July 09 2023
Volunteers meet at a regional gathering point to pick up your Wild Woods Restoration Project seedling flat to care for for the season.
ACTIVITY: Meet at the appointed time to pick up a 10 x 20 inch seedling flat to care for.
* A towel or other protective material to put down in your car to keep it from getting dirty from the flat.
* A completed and signed copy of the volunteer agreement (attached).
WHERE: 500 Main St., New Paltz. Parking lot at corner of S. Ohioville Rd & Route 299 (Main St). This is an abandoned diner next to the Shell gas station. Its very close to the NY State Thruway intersection on the eastbound side of Rt. 299.
CONTACT: For more information, contact or 845-614-0253.
Please register in advance and provide a phone number so that we can reach you in case of a change of plans. Chose to create a TrackItForward account when you register if you would like to use the system or app to track your volunteer time vs. reporting via email.
Contact the event organizers: Linda Rohleder