2023 Black Farming Conference
Saturday, September 30 2023
The 2023 Black Farming Conference is hosted by the BIPOC Farming Network in partnership with the National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center and Central State University Extension.
On Saturday, September 30, a Farm Fair, with vendors, exhibits, food trucks, demonstrations, and other fun activities will be held at the National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center located at Central State University and other sites on the campus. The event is open to the public.
9:00am - 4:00pm
At this event there will be many possibilities for volunteers including working at the front desk, supporting visitors in the galleries, and helping facilitate the event outdoors.
Contact the event organizers: Kevin Lydy
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Profile Type *
Volunteer Site *
Emergency Contact *
Are you a minor (under the age of 18)? *
Volunteer Start Year
T-Shirt Size
If Intern, when does internship end?
Organizational Affiliations (workplace, clubs, other places you volunteer, etc)
What is your spouse's first and last name? If not applicable type N/A. This information will be used if you donate enough hours to earn a free household membership so that your spouse can also be listed on your membership card.
Do any minor children in your household also volunteer with you? If yes, please list their names. If no, type N/A.
Volunteer Photo
Volunteer Home Location if Ohio History Center volunteer. Example: OHC Programs, Archaeology, NAGPRA, Stacks, Archives, Accounting, HR, Outreach, etc.
Message to Organizer