Walk to remember- Longmont United Hospital
Saturday, October 07 2017
Walk to remember is an event at the Longmont United Hospital for families that have lost an infant.
If you attend this event- please remember that many families are struggling and that your kindness, respectfulness and help is appreciated. Please be on your best behavior.
A flyer for the event is attached
Note from the organizer-
I would love to have 3 to 5 Leadership Academy students help at the registration table and with some quiet activities for the young children who come to the event with their parents. The tables for children’s activities are set up at one end of the gallery room where we will have the program so we are all in the same location; we just provide some “kid-friendly” things to do while the adults are focused on the more reflective, somber program.
If there are any SCLA students who are available to help, it would be great if they could arrive at 8:30 a.m. to help with setting up. We will be in the gallery rooms (just to the left when you enter through the hospital main entrance.) The program will conclude by 11:30 a.m.
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams