St Vrain Valley Education Gala Volunteers
Saturday, November 11 2017
We are looking for 15-20 volunteers to help with the Education Foundation for the St Vrain Valley’s upcoming event: An Empowered Community Through Education on Saturday, November 11. The event will benefit students, educators and our community. The format will be a celebration dinner and silent and live auctions. For more info, see All volunteers may attend the event at no charge.
Here are some of the ways that we can use your help:
Tear down
Registration table
Support games
Assistants to greet and help attendees with questions during bidding on silent auction items, to “man” special stations, or to serve as spotters during the live auction
“Close out” by checking people out with their auction items
If you are able to assist in any capacity for approximately 2-6 hours (you choose) or have any questions, please email me. Once we know how many volunteers we have, we will send out a timeline with more information.
When you are signing up- please email Eva Gaudio-
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams