Madrigal Craft Makers
Sunday, November 26 2017
Do you like to make crafts? Just like to help out with A-wing activities!? Our first Madrigal work day is this Sunday, November 5th, from 1 PM-4 PM. We're looking for ~10 student or parent volunteers to help out in the "craft room" where we will be making necklaces, circlets, jester hats, puppets, and games.
People with sewing machines would be great!!!
A team will also be needed to hang garland in the commons. We need ~3 people. If you can help with the Madrigal, either on this day or in the future, please contact Maureen Williamson-Miller at
Additional work days will be on the 12th and the 26th. We will also have additional volunteer opportunities the week of the performances
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams
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