Bridging Borders
Saturday, April 28 2018
Mallory Granger's SCLA Capstone Project is a fun, teambuilding course that will help bring teams closer together while raising money for Longmont Sister Cities! She needs a lot of volunteers to help make the day a success.
Event will be held here at Silver Creek HS
Please wear SCLA Volunteer shirt- if you don't have one you can borrow one.
8:00am - 10:30am
Set up SHIFT 1
Set up challenges, put up start line and registration/check in booth
10:30am - 2:00pm
Set up SHIFT 2
-Finish setting up everything, draw course lines with chalk on places with sidewalk
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Event Staff
Challenge judges, help facilitate challenges, maintain safe environment
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Message to Organizer