Yard work on the SCHS EGG
Tuesday, June 23 2020
The Garden in the back of SCHS is Gigi Notario's SCLA Capstone Project, the EGG. (Environmentally Grown Garden.) She worked really hard to design, and get the garden built, in fact, it was completed AFTER she graduated.
With Covid happening, our ability to clean up the EGG this spring was limited, and now the EGG is a weed garden in need of much love and attention. This is a great opportunity to get out in the fresh air, get some sunshine, and make our school look. better!
You will need:
Garden gloves
water bottle
We will have tools for you.
Meet your friends at the EGG and help clean up SCHS!!
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Message to Organizer