Create Valentine's Cards for Meals on Wheels
Wednesday, February 03 2021
Are you an artist? Love to draw or create digital art? We are looking for artists to create valentines cards that will go into goodie bags for Meals on Wheels, Longmont.
Details: Your card should be post card size: (4x6) as we will print your art along with other submissions as we need over 400 cards.
Digital art can be emailed to Ms. Adams at
hand drawn, or painted art can be dropped off in the main office or at Ms. Adams office in the counseling section of the main office.
Be creative, funny, cute, share cheesy Valentine quotes, etc!
Remember your audience is mostly over 65 years of age so consider their humor.
You may submit as many art pieces as you like, however please take time and make do your best. We've done this in the past and many of the Meals on Wheels clients keep these cards on their fridge, as they are special!
If you have any questions, contact MS A
Keep track of your hours you spend creating the art- and those can be used for volunteer hours.
PLEASE DROP OFF ART BY Wed. Feb. 3rd at 3pm.
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams