Day of Champions
Monday, May 16 2022
Join Mayson Bogrett and help with her SCLA Capstone Project!
********Since this is a school day, and close to finals- students volunteering must be in good standing in all their classes and pre-arrange absences with their teachers. **********
Day of Champions is a field day for kids with special needs in the St. Vrain Valley School District. This supports kids participation in various athletic events. The day aims to be fun and inclusive for each athlete while celebrating them as well.
This event will be held on May 16th at Everly Montgomery and will be excused from the school day and will receive volunteer hours.
The events will start at about 9:00 AM and will end at around 12:30-1 PM.
All volunteers will check in with Mayson Bogrett (Project Manager) and she will direct you to your station.
Volunteer opportunities
Station helpers (assigned to the station for the day)
Kickball, DunkTank, Soccer, Bowling, 50 Yard Dash, Beach Ball tennis,Hula Hoop Ring Toss Frisbee Throw ,2 Break/Snack Stations
Live stream helpers
Having a station with an Ipad streaming that specific event. (Getting all the good moments)
Buddie helpers
Set up Crew
Setting up all of the events and making sure each station has an IPad.
Take down crew
Packing up all the stations,Making sure all the Ipads have been taken down,Picking up trash, collecting items if left behind by participants.
Set up crew will need to be at the stadium at 8:15 AM
Take down crew will need to be there at 12:15 PM
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams