Sell valentines during advisory tomorrow
Monday, February 14 2022
Hi everyone! For my project Creek Strong I am selling Valentine cards that students can purchase for their postive friends. During lunch sales have been not super successful so in order to provide students with another opportunity I will be needing some assistance to sell Valentine cards during advisory on Monday. I will need one or two volunteers per a wing and each volunteer will take a cart and go around to each advisory and offer students the Valentine cards to purchase for $1.00. It will be super fun and easy and a great way to get involved. If you are interested please sign up and on the day of meet me by the front office to get everything organized. Hope to see you there and would really appreciate your help!
- Sammie Lenski
valentines sales volunteers
Meet in the CCC to get your valentines and get your wing assignment
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams
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