Open Cabin Days at Old Mill Park
Saturday, July 16 2016
Volunteer for this fun event!
This summer Old Mill Park and the St. Vrain Historical Society are hosting several “Open Cabin Days” at Old Mill Park in Longmont. The park which houses the Affolter Cabin (1860, oldest building is Boulder County), the Billings Cabin (1890), the Hauke Milk House (1860) and the Gildner Gazebo (1916) will be open to the public. We will have docents dressed in period costume giving historic tours of the buildings and life in the 1800's. We will have activities for children and pioneer crafts.
The St. Vrain Historical Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation.
I'm contacting you in hopes that you can send me in the right direction. We are looking for young enthusiastic high school students that are in need of volunteer hours to help us with our events. The tasks we will need help with are helping demonstrate historical laundry day and helping children with pioneer crafts as well as help with set up and take down. We do have a few pioneer costumes the volunteers could wear if desired.
Please contact Teresa at 303-776-1870 when you volunteer to learn more about your responsibilities.
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams