Longmont Airport Expo
Saturday, June 25 2016
Longmont’s Vance Brand Airport and the 2016 Longmont Airport Expo will be providing an opportunity to volunteer in the local community on Friday, June 24th and Saturday, June 25th. This event is free to the public and everyone is invited to attend. I have attached a pdf of the event brochure for your information and am available to answer any questions you may have.
Specifically, your students wanting and needing volunteer hours are invited to contact me to sign up to help during the pre-production and production of this year’s Air Expo. All volunteers will be supervised and directed by select members of the Longmont aviation community and will be able to take i the air show while helping the public before, during and after the event.
We are grateful for your support in letting your students know of this opportunity and encouraging them to contact me for more information or to sign up to volunteer.
Warm Regards,
Melinda Jordan
City of Longmont Airport Advisory Board Member
2016 Longmont Airport Expo Volunteer Coordinator
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams