EagleCrest Bike Safety Fest
Sunday, April 14 2024
SIgn up for spefic jobs here:
Volunteers Needed for Eagle Crest Free Bike Safety Fest
Sunday, April 14, 1-4pm
Come help make our Bike Safety Fest fun and memorable! We need volunteers to help with all of our activities with a red arrow below, including:
Set up – starting at noon – help with tables, skills course (signs, cones, markers, chalk)
Bike “rodeo” skills course to practice bike handling skills and rules of the road.
Volunteers: help with set up, staff the start, end of “straight and steady” and stop sign. Adjust helmets before kids start. Manage flow if balance bikes or bikes with training wheels want to participate (slower…)
Learn to Ride area including balance bikes to try. Then if you have a pedal bike, take off the training wheels and get coaching for riding with pedals!
Volunteers: Coach kids on balance bikes. If pedal bikes available, take off training wheels, drop seats, remove pedals for balance practice, then put pedals back on and coach riding with pedals.
Snazz up your helmet with reflective and fun decorations at our helmet decorating table.
Volunteers: Staff table, help kids put decorations on helmets (cutting for smaller kids.)
A bike mechanic (still finalizing) will be checking kid and adult bikes for safe and proper functioning and will make adjustments and some minor repairs.
Volunteers: Talk to people dropping off bikes/manage line for bikes. Use battery operated pump to inflate tires.
(Other stations): Learn about local biking resources, safe routes to school and local bikeways; Visit the donut truck or buy refreshments from the Mwebaza Annex Club
We’ll also ask folks working at the end to help tear down and pack up – that will probably only take about 20 minutes.
Training for volunteers will take place before the event starts – it takes 5-10 minutes – or as you arrive (previous volunteer will tell you how to do the job.)
Our advertising will include this: this: Drop in any time or come for the whole afternoon! All ages are welcome to participate. An adult must accompany children. Bring your bike and helmet, or we will have some loaner helmets available. Helmets are required to participate.
To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact Lisa Evans, 970-237-1773 (call, text, whatsapp) or lisa.evans09@comcast.net
Thank you very much!
Contact the event organizers: Carrie Adams