Nebraska State Fair 2017
Sunday, August 27 2017
Walk around; Respond to questions from the public about Fair Events and Amateur Radio, Help visitors find Vendors and Events, Assist other agencies in finding lost people and children, Assist medical personnel getting to and from incident scenes, Assist with crowd control during the daily parade when required, Show your pride for Amateur Radio and the Nebraska State Fair, Be a friendly face to everyone we come in contact with.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Afternoon Shift
Walk Around
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Evening Shift
Walk Around
- Eric Valentine KE7CCE
- Jaden Smith KE0NVA
- Jeremy Smith KC0NUK
- Stan Coleman N0YXV
Contact the event organizers: Stan Coleman N0YXV
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Call Sign *
Phone Number *
Message to Organizer