TRG-AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Communications Workshop
Saturday, October 08 2016
This is a two day event. October 8th and 9th - Saturday and Sunday. Total course is 20 hours long so be prepared for 10 hour days both days. There MUST be a minimum of 15 in order for this class to be held.
This class is designed for those auxiliary emergency communicators and groups who volunteer to provide backup emergency radio communications support to public safety agencies. Typically, this includes amateur radio and Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team (REACT) communicators, but may include other volunteer emergency communicators.
Volunteer emergency communications operators/groups, using amateur radio, have been providing backup communications to public safety for nearly 100 years. Event planners, public safety officials, and emergency managers at all levels of government utilize their services. Often, amateur radio services have been used when other forms of communications have failed or have been disrupted. Today, nearly all the states/territories have incorporated some level of participation by amateur radio auxiliary communication operators into their TICPs and SCIPs.
To Register:
Contact Jon Rosenlund ( and provide the following information or click the "Sign UP" button below.
• Full Name
• Mailing Address
• Ham Radio Call Sign
• Amateur Radio License Type (Technician, General, Advanced, Extra)
• Agency you support (Law, Fire, EMS, Public Health, Emergency Mgt.)
• Email Address
Contact the event organizers: Jon Rosenlund KD0FQX