Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Senior Reception Food Donations

Wednesday, March 22 2017

Every year we give our graduating seniors a reception to commemorate all their years growing up in the Children's Dance Theater. We are asking for both food donations and set up/clean up volunteers so that our dancers and their parents can enjoy the evening. All food donations should be brought with your dancer by 3:45pm and count for 1 hour of volunteer time.

3:45am - 3:45am
Large Package Grapes
Costco size. Washed, whole, ready to serve. Please bring in a disposable container or bag.
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3:45pm - 3:45pm
Assorted Fruit Tray to serve 12
Washed, cut, ready to serve. Please bring in a bowl/platter with serving utensil. Please label all pieces with your name.
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Dozen Brownies or Cookies
Dessert should be homemade or bakery bought with homemade look and taste (please no grocery store bakery) for this special occasion. Please bring on a platter labeled with your name.
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Dozen Croissants
Costco brand (or similar), large, home style. Please leave in package.
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Large Package Strawberries
Costco size. Washed, whole, ready to serve. Please bring in a disposable container or returned to the plastic container it was purchased in.
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Salad & Dressing
We need elegant salads with ingredients such as various greens, fresh fruits, cheese, nuts, cranberries, pasta, grains, etc. DO NOT DRESS THE SALAD. We will do that for you. Please remember label your bowl and serving utensils with your name.
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Paper Goods for 50
Provide high quality disposable large plates,dessert plates, napkins, knives, and forks, similar to Chinet brand.
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Water Bottles
Please buy in a case of 24
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Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Killpack-Knutsen