Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Monitor Orientation Meeting at Capitol Theatre

Saturday, March 16 2019

**This meeting is for those signed up for a shift as monitors for Capitol Theatre**

At this meeting you will:
- get a tour of the Capitol Theatre which will be CDT's home for Concert Week. See where your dancer's dressing room will be, where the costumers will be working, where warm ups happen and how to navigate your class up to rehearsal space and stage left and right from from their dressing rooms.
- find out what happens each rehearsal and performance day
- learn what is expected of monitors and how to handle or problem solve various situations that may come up during your monitor shift
- have your questions about monitoring, concert week, and Capitol Theatre answered

**Please complete the Youth Protection Training and background check before volunteering.** Register for background check here if you have not already completed one: https://umarket.utah.edu/um2/tannerdance/product.php?product=716&storeco...

10:00am - 11:00am
Capitol Theatre Monitor Orientation
**This meeting is for those signed up for a shift as monitors for Capitol Theatre**

Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Killpack-Knutsen