Summer Camp Volunteers
Monday, June 07 2021
Monday, June 7 - Friday, June 11 | Volunteer positions for CDT dancers 9th grade and above
We are in need of some high school dancers to volunteer during our summer camps for younger students. This is a great way to earn service learning hours towards graduation and to build your resume. Volunteers will help with check in, assist the teachers during class, and help to set up and clean up materials. These positions are open to CDT dancers entering 9th grade and above. Please only sign up for a slot if you are able to commit to the full week.
12:30pm - 4:15pm
Camp Volunteer
Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Killpack-Knutsen
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Dancer(s) Name(s) *
Message to Organizer